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One of the more startling things that happen as people age is how the body's flexibility tends to disappear. Seniors report feeling stiff when they first wake up. They may discover they also feel less than flexible when they've been sitting for awhile. Back problems tend to at least feel worse as one gets older.

It's debatable how normal this stiffing with age actually is. Given the relatively sedentary life most Americans live throughout their lives, it's certainly not surprising. Yet staying flexible is one of the best ways to stay feeling young, at any age.

Yoga turns out to be a great for seniors to both restore flexibility and to keep it. This ancient system of physical movement is gentle and thanks to its popularity is easy to learn. Many senior centers around the country offer yoga; so do many gyms. There are also yoga centers in many communities. There's even a system of "chair yoga" for those who can't stand easily.

Yoga can even be learned on the web. Just google senior yoga and you'll be presented with a wide variety of choices, many that are free.

Yoga can be performed at home with the help of books, video tapes, and/or DVDs. It doesn't take much space, and although a yoga mat is great, it's not required. Nor is it necessary to buy any special clothes - any loose fitting outfit will do. And yoga can be performed on the road... in a hotel room or even on the floor of an RV.

Of course, it's always a good idea to check with your doctor or other medical professional before you start yoga or any other form of exercise, but the chances are you'll get an okay and begin to feel much more flexible as you learn the practice.

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